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The Hebrew Text of the Machzor, as well as the translation and instructions, is from the universally acclaimed ArtScroll Rosh HaShanah Machzor by special arrangement with Khal Publishing and the Orthodox UnionThe Annual Teshuvah Shiurim of Rav Joseph B. Soloveitchik zt”l were transforming moments for all who heard them. His penetrating insights, brilliant erudition and fully expounded sense of awe of the Y’mei HaDin, enabled everyone to gain a deeper appreciation of both the magnitude of the task of repentance and the path toward personal and communal growth.This monumental work includes:Introductions by Rabbi Menachem Genack and Rabbi Hershel SchachterAn extensive review of many of the hanhagos HaRav - Rav Soloveitchik's traditions in tefillah - delineated throughout the Machzor and explained in a special sectionAn inspiring commentary culled from many of the Rav's enthralling, penetrating thoughtsThis work presents many of the probing thoughts offered by Rav Soloveitchik in his shiurim, lectures and written works - distilled for the very first time into a concise commentary on the tefillos of the day.This Machzor will add meaning and significance to your prayers on Rosh HaShanah and its messages will continue to inspire you throughout the year.
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