
The Artscroll Children's Haggadah - Hardback

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  • Dimensions:

    11.25" x 9" x 1"  600g


Shmuel Blitz and his brilliant children’s books never cease to amaze. This is his seventh book -- and they just seem to get better and better. This time, he puts his talents to the task of creating a Children’s Haggadah, and the result is one that will be enjoyed by child and grown-up alike. Specifically written for children ages 4-8, the full Hebrew text of the Haggadah is accompanied by a child-oriented, yet accurate English translation. There are clear, precise instructions that will guide the child through every stage of the Seder. Each page contains a box that provides additional information about the Pesach narrative for the interested youngster. The breathtaking, full-colour illustrations make the story come alive – this Haggadah will be an invaluable addition to your child’s Seder (and to yours)!





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